Glorious Model O 2 Mini trådbunden respektive trådlös mus

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Glorious Model O 2 Mini trådbunden respektive trådlös mus

Changing to a nice mouse after so long can be a taxing experience, does Glorious hit the mark with its latest O 2 Mini series? Read below to see if changing your old standard mouse to something like this is of benefit to you.

Time to get Glorious

I’ll preface this review by mentioning that I’ve always been limited when it came to gaming mice. I’ve been using an Exibel wireless optical mouse for the longest time now with a DPI cap of 1 600 so finally getting my hands on something like these mice has been of huge benefit to me and has already begun showing improvements overall in my gaming experience. Below I’ll be covering both the wired variant as well as the wireless that were included as well as the Glorious Core program that I can only recommend using in conjunction with both these mice.

Now the Glorious Model O 2 mini is just that, a smaller variant of the original model designed for players with medium to small hands which makes these ideal models for children that are just getting into gaming as long as their hands aren’t too small.

While both variants have the same functions overall, I would be foolish not to mention the subtle variations in these mice that when playing at the top end could be quite impactful for pro players as well as anyone breaking into Esports. I’ll cover the wired variant first before adding below the differences the wireless provides.


The Glorious Model O 2 Mini wired is exceptionally lightweight, coming in at only 49g, and while not only functional right out of the box also looks gorgeous with its color variants along with its RGB lighting options, designed for any grip type as well as being smooth and designed for flick targeting the Glorious Model O 2 Mini is a mouse ideal for shooters.

The downside for most people right away will be the lack of buttons, the mini variants both wired and wireless have only six buttons. While perfectly fine some people may prefer an eight-button version. That aside, the functionality included right out of the box as well as the Glorious Core program I will get into later makes this one of the better mice currently on the market for its price.


While having all the same functions and features of the Wired variant the O2 Mini Wireless is slightly heavier overall. To my surprise it is also cable charged, I had originally assumed it would come with a stand to charge this. The wireless variant comes complete with a cable that can be slotted into the front of the mouse to charge from the computer while playing, however you also have to the option to not only use this wire to charge but also to switch to “Wired Mode” and have it function as a regular albeit slightly heavier variant of the wired mouse above.

Speaking of mode, the wireless version comes with – 2.4 GHZ – Bluetooth and Wired mode so regardless of your location or preference there is something for everyone here. Boasting a respectable 110 hr of battery life at 2.4 GHZ and 120 while on Bluetooth which for any gamers is excellent to hear, just don’t forget to charge so it doesn’t drop out while in the middle of gaming.

The greatest benefit for both these mice lies in its ability to be perfectly comfortable and fully functional regardless of the grip used, while some gamers favor a claw grip or palm grip while gaming to be comfortable unlike many other mice on the market including some of Glorious own mice both Model O 2 minis are designed for use by players of all different grip types which for young children just getting into gaming and still learning which grip style they function better with is a huge benefit overall. While there are some issues that I’ll mention in the conclusion these are just personal gripes both these mice are more than suitable for first timers as well as players looking for something a bit smaller than the norm.

Now I’ve covered the mice as they come right out of the box. It’s time to customize these using the robust Glorious Core program that I can highly recommend you make use of.

Glorious Core

Now while both the wired and wireless Glorious Model O 2 Mini’s are perfectly functional as stand-alone mice and don’t require anything additional. If you’re looking to get the full benefit from these mice you’ll want to download the latest Glorious Core package from

Glorious Core itself is a small packaged program that doesn’t take up to much space and also doesn’t impact your CPU in any way, so you’d be at no disadvantage making use of this setup, so what’s included in this program and why does it turn an already good series of mice to something closer to the top end for gaming mice?

Glorious Core allows you to take either the wired or the wireless variant to the next level. While it does require a Glorious ID account to make use of the cloud profiles you don’t require one for just regular use. To start off Glorious Core comes with three different profile settings, so if you’re looking for a setups aimed towards various different types of games you can switch these up on the fly with little issue. For example, for a shooter you may require a higher DPI, while as something as simple as typing a review you may prefer a different lighting setting to put yourself in the mood.

The settings included within Glorious Core consist of:

– Polling Rate set at 1 000 Hz as standard
– Lift off Distance

Motion Sync options along with Debounce Time, which for hardcore gamers maybe be one of the most important options to mess around with, being able to manipulate the time delay between clicks down to smallest millisecond. It can mean the difference between landing the killing shot in a tournament or failing to hit the mark at all. Where reactions are measured in milliseconds, being able to manipulate these is a huge benefit for this series of mice.

As mentioned, this series of mice come complete with RGB lights, so what would Glorious Core be if it didn’t have a way to mess around with these lights to suit your needs? As mentioned above, while you can change these using different combinations of button presses, Core allows you to change all these far easier as well as in some cases being able to manipulate these colors as you see fit, while quite useful the ability to only change some colors on some of the more. Frustrating light variations does bring the experience down overall, while I’m happy that you can change the mice to just pulse hot pink like you’re in some kind of rave. The inability to have full control over these features brings it down a notch.

However, while the RGB lights may not be as customizable as I would have liked, the DPI functionality of this program has changed my gaming experience in a massive way. As mentioned previously I’ve always been limited when it came to mice mostly using both wired and wireless variants with a DPI maxing out at the standard 1 600. While 1 600 is perfectly functional I have always felt that it’s a bit too slow overall, you can imagine my sheer glee when opening this program and seeing that I could if I wished so max out the DPI of either the wired or wireless variant to a maxim of 26 000, now realistically nobody will use this level but finally being able to increase the DPI to a more comfortable 2 400 saw noticeable improvements within the first 10 minutes than any other mouse I have previously used. Which for someone who makes his life playing games felt like a breath of fresh air.

While not required to make use of either of these mice, Core gives a degree of customization that is generally not seen within in general use.


In conclusion I was skeptical, as mentioned once again I’ve always been very particular when it comes to mice, I could have several of the exact same and they’d all operate or have something minor that put me off using them. Thankfully the Glorious Model O 2 Mini fixes and alleviates as lot of the issues I’ve previously, the lightweight and customization features in particular the DPI functions where game changing for me. However for a “Mini” I still feel that the mouse itself is a bit too large, it could have been reduced at least a bit more to suit smaller hands. While this designed for medium to smaller hands a touch towards the smaller hands would have been a bigger benefit overall and while still excellent as mentioned previously the reduction in buttons included while still retaining a somewhat larger size is a downside compared to a Model 1 variant.

However given the price as well as considering that gaming mice are generally quite large, this smaller version still functions as well as anything else on the market to date. All the downsides I’ve stated are purely my own personal issues that you may not even experience at all. Overall this is a wonderful series of mice to use for gaming in particular shooters and MMORPG’s will see an almost immediate improvement versus older mice, while there may be better options on offer with more functionality and buttons the Glorious Model O 2 mini both wired and wireless are fantastic mice and I will continue to use these for not only gaming but work as well. After using both these for a few days I can’t go back to my old standard style.

Details from manufacturer


  • Ultralight 49-gram weight
  • Right-handed symmetrical shape
  • Glorious 80M Mechanical Switches
  • BAMF 2.0 26K Sensor
  • Compatible with OS: Windows, MacOS, Linux
  • Software: Glorious CORE


  • Ultralight 57-gram weight
  • Right-handed symmetrical shape
  • Dual wireless connectivity
  • Up to 210 hr battery life
  • BAMF 2.0 26K Sensor
  • Glorious 80M Mechanical Switches
  • Compatible with OS: Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Software: Glorious CORE


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Det Bra

  • Full DPI functions
  • Responsive buttons
  • Lightweight and fast movement

Det Dåliga

  • Quite large for a “mini”
  • Lacks buttons compared to many other gaming mice
  • RBG customization

Skriven av: Steve Gilman